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Organizational Design
& Leadership

Someone Needs To Select & Align The Troops

Clarity  - Competency - Performance

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Clarity & Competency

Organizational design changes are crucial to ensure understanding of each function, alignment, team effort and organic team collaboration. This is required by the Marketing Leadership team to reach their shared goals. 


Building a strong leadership team will include clearly defined job descriptions and considering the phases of Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing required to have an effective executive leadership team. 


Carefully selecting competent candidates will enable shortening the integration phase and accelerating the norming and performing phases.


I will work with you to align organizational design to corporate requirements and marketing needs and in the capacity of "Chief of Staff" will manage cross-functional alignment and executional orchestration required to successfully run an integrated digital marketing department. 


Organizational Structure, Concept and Capacity

The way in which your organizational design is implemented will determine how it will perform. Having a concept of the organization involves an assessment and understanding or vision of how the actual work will get done by whom, where and when.

In addition, understanding what needs to get done and how it will get done will lead to ensure the candidates also have the capacity and bandwidth to reach performance expectations.


I will work with you to ensure roles, organizational design, skills and competencies are carefully documented to fit the required objectives and can be communicated clearly across the organization so everyone understand what everyone else is doing. 

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