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Fractional CMO
For Private Equity

Your Portfolio Investments Need Strong Marketing

Assess - Benchmark - Grow

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Portfolio Companies Marketing Maturity Assessment

Many Private Equity firms will tell that their decisions for funding are based on trust in the founders, the business model and the product / market fit.  Rarely will Marketing's maturity and performance be assessed to deliver the expected results in terms of revenue, profitability and market valuation. Yet it is the Marketing function that is best positioned to deliver the required growth. A fractional CMO is your insurance to lower the risks and increase your probability and impact for success.

Engagements should be conducted at due diligence, early post funding, at mid-term and pre-exit to maximize returns and future growth success.

First Assess,
Then Invest

Working with Private Equity Portfolio Companies, mandated by the Venture Capital Firm to assess their State of Marketing Maturity  to deliver and develop roadmaps for growth that will increase the rate of success and minimize risk. Founders are often not marketers and Portfolio Companies often have junior marketing teams. A senior Fractional CMO will ensure your Portfolio Companies' Marketing will deliver the impact and return you expect.

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