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Executional Efficiency & Scalability

Marketing Shared Services

A model to increase Marketing Executional 

Effectiveness and Efficiency


Production Velocity, Efficiency, Scalability

Abstract Geometric Shapes
Abstract Shapes

Marketing Shared Services

The marketing function at many organizations is constantly under pressure to execute due to real time personalized customer engagements and monthly, quarterly and annual revenue expectations.  To keep competitiveness high, executional velocity is crucial to drive efficiency and effectiveness through a more advanced approach with marketing Shared Services. 


I will work with you to build an executional team capable of handling executional requirements in terms of asset production volume, quality and brand consistency to ensure execution remains scalable to business needs, seasonality and competitive or market driven opportunities.

Project Management

Marketing Project Management is crucial for integrated digital marketing to keep the Go-To-Market velocity fast. The sooner you can be in market, the better the chance of capturing a bigger market share and be timely relevant to your audiences.


Marketing projects can be conflicting in nature and timing if they are not integrated for execution through an integrated Project Management process. 

I will infuse best practices for workflows that will take projects from Corporate Initiatives to Planning, Production, Execution, Performance Management and Growth Marketing evaluation. 

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